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Synthesis is the process of converting RTL (Register Transfer Level) code (i.e.., Verilog format) to optimized Gate level netlist to the targeted technology by meeting area, timing and power constraints.

Types of synthesis

There are 2 types of synthesis techniques which are in use to convert RTL code to gatelevel netlist:
1. Logic synthesis
2. Physical aware synthesis

Logic Synthesis

The below flow chart shows the cadence logic synthesis flow to convert RTL code to netlist (almost all tools follow the same flow with minimal changes)

some popular tools for synthesis are:
Genus – Cadence
Design Compiler – Synopsys
Now a days most of the companies are moving to Fusion Compiler (Synosys) instead of Design Compiler. The main advantage of this tool is we can do both synthesis and PnR in the same tool. In other words it is a combination of both Design Compiler & ICC2

Logic synthesis flow

Importing Input files (RTL code and .lib files)


Read SDC file

Sanity checks (check_design, check_timing)

Generic mapping

Technology mapping


DFT (Design For Testability) implementation (Done by DFT team)

Incremental optimization

Generating outputs (Netlist, SDC, Scan DEF, Required reports)

Let us see each step of the flow in a detailed way

Inputs of logic synthesis

At first step we will import all required input files to the Genus compiler i.e

  • RTL code
  • Timing libraries(.lib files)
  • SDC (synopsis design constraints)


In this step the tool will elaborate the RTL code which we have given as input during first step. During the elaboration step mainly 3 tasks are performed:

  • Data structure: No. of RTL files are given as input to the tool. So, the tool takes all these files and makes a single netlist from all these Verilog files.
  • Infers registers: It infers (to make a well informed guess) the decision trees like if..else… statements to mux and latches or flops.
    1. The synthesis tool infers a flip flop whenever a “posedge” or “negedge” construct is present.
    2. Tool infers “if…else…” as mux.
    3. Similarly, case statements are infers as priority encoders.
  • HDL optimization: In this step, tool removes dead codes, unloaded outputs, combinational loops, floating inputs, etc..,

Read SDC

Read SDC is a command used to read all the contents of SDC file.SDC means Synopsis Design Constraints. It contains design timing information, wireload models and DRV’S .These constraints are like timing guidelines for the design, tool always follows these constraints.

what is DRV’S: DRV’S stands for Design Rule Violations.Every design should be DRV free.In simple words if we give some limit for the tool to do a task.The tool must do the task in the given limit only.If it fails to perform a task in given limit then DRV’s occurs. DRVs are 4 types:

Max transition, Max Capacitance, Max Fanout, Max Length.

Note: Max transition and Max Capacitance are considered as hard constraints. These two should not violated in the design and mandatory to fix. And Max Fanout and Max length are considered as Soft constraints that means these can be ignored even violate not mandatory to fix.

Sanity checks

Before the mapping stage, we must perfom sanity checks on RTL code and SDC file to check the quality of input files .The various sanity checks are 
check_design: It reports design information like combinational loops, unintended latches, floating inputs, dead codes, multidriven nets.
check_timing: It checks SDC file (mandatory check). It reports any issues present in the file. Some of the issues are:

  • Missing clock definition
  • Unconstrained endpoints
  • Missing Input/output delays for the ports
  • Clock reaching to all the sequential elements
  • Multi clock driven registers
  • Missing slew or load constraints for the ports

Note: If we found any issues in input files during sanity checks we do not proceed we will sent back those input files to Frontend team with describing the issue.

Generic mapping

During generic mapping, tool converts RTL code to the symbolic gate level representation. Tool maps the cells to the generic library. It is independent of technology.

Example of generic netlist

Following “flipflop_generic_netlist.v” shows the example generic netlist for a flipflop.

module flop (clk, reset, next_clk_enable, clk_enable);
input clk, reset, next_clk_enable;
output clk_enable;
wire clk, reset, next_clk_enable;
wire clk_enable;
CDN_flop clk_enable_reg_reg(.clk (clk), .d (next_clk_enable), .sena (1'b1), .aclr (1'b0), .apre (reset), .srl (1'b0), .srd (1'b0), .q (clk_enable));

module CDN_flop(clk, d, sena, aclr, apre, srl, srd, q);
input clk, d, sena, aclr, apre, srl, srd;
output q;
wire clk, d, sena, aclr, apre, srl, srd;
wire q;
reg qi;
assign #1 q = qi;
@(posedgeclk or posedgeapre or posedgeaclr)
if (aclr)
qi<= 0;
else if (apre)
qi<= 1;
else if (srl)
qi<= srd;
else begin
if (sena)
qi<= d;
qi<= 1'b0;

In this step, logic optimization also done by the tool. Logic optimization means tool removes all unwanted wires, cells, flipflops with constant logic ‘0’ or logic ‘1’.

Technology mapping

During this step, tool maps generic gate to the targeted technology gates by using targeted library files. Targeted technology gates will have gate area, timing and power, this info present in the .lib file.

Example of targetted technology netlist

Following “tech_mapped_netlist.v” shows the example targeted technology netlist for flipflop

module flop (clk, reset, next_clk_enable, clk_enable);
input clk, reset, next_clk_enable;
output clk_enable;
wire clk, n_3, next_clk_enable;
wire clk_enable;
DFFSHQX1 clk_enable_reg_reg(.SN (n_3), .CK (clk), .D (next_clk_enable), .Q (clk_enable));


During optimization, tool optimizes the design to meet all design constraints (area, timing and power). Some of optimization techniques are changing VT of cells, changing drive strength of cells, logic restructuring, adding repeaters, cloning and buffering.

DFT (Design For Testability) implementation

  • DFT is one of the most important process in the SOC design cycle, which helps us in detecting manufacturing defects in the designs.
  • DFT engineer works on inserting extra hardware blocks as part of the design itself, for increasing the testability of chips.
  • Testing is required to guarantee fault-free chips.
  • DFT team will insert scan chains to the design.Scan chains are nothing but adding extra input and enable pin to the flops,these are used to check wheather the flop is working or not by giving test inputs during testing

Incremental optimization

After scan insertion, one more round of optimization has to do that is called Incremental optimization.We will use same optimization techniques as discussed above

Generating outputs

Outputs of logic synthesis are:

  • Optimized gatelevel netlist
  • SDC
  • Scan DEF: Info for scan connection between the flops in the design
  • Reports

Physical aware synthesis

Physical aware synthesis is bit advance compared to logic synthesis. Because physical aware synthesis not only converts RTL code to gatelevel netlist but also places the standard cells in the core area to meet all requirements like area, power and timing.

Physical aware synthesis flow is also same as logic synthesis. But some add-ons are there in input files and generating output files.

Input files

  • RTL code
  • Physical libraries and technology (.lef)
  • MMMC file
  • Timing libraries (.lib)
  • SDC file
  • Captables or qrcTech file
  • Floorplan DEF (optional)
  • UPF – Unified Power Format (optional – only if the design have multiple power domains)

During mapping, tool place standard cells in the core area. If the floorplan DEF is not given as input ,the tool estimates core area based on gate area and places the cell in the core area.

Compared to wireload model synthesis, this method is more accurate. If we use physical aware synthesis, the timing findings before and after actual placement would be more closely related to one another.

Outputs of the physical aware synthesis

  • Gatelevel netlist
  • SDC file
  • Scan DEF
  • Reports
  • Placed DEF file
  • MMMC file

Practical approach for Synthesis

step 1 : Importing input files (RTL code & .Lib Files) → Here in this command ../ means one folder back from the current directory. LIB is the folder name & slow.lib is the file name which we want to use it as library for our design

set_db / .library { ../LIB/slow.lib ../LIB/pll.lib}
set_db / .lef_library { ../LEF/example_tech.lef ../LEF/example_macro.lef ../LEF/pll.lef}

step 2 : Read hdl & Elaborate → The command read_hdl is used to read hdl code (verilog code) here and.v is our input file

read_hdl " ../test/and.v "

step 3 :Read SDC file → The command read_sdc is used to read SDC file here example.sdc is our SDC file

read_sdc ../constraints/example.sdc

step 4 : Sanity Checks


step 5 : Generic Mapping → The command syn_generic is used for generic mapping


step 6 :Technology Mapping → The command syn_map is used for technology mapping


Note: without generic mapping also we can do directly technology mapping. But the advantage of doing generic mapping is generic mapped file can be mapped with any technology without doing the whole process again.

For instance we run the synthesis, generated the generic mapped file and mapped to 90nm technology but later due to change in requirements we need to map with 65nm technology.In that case we dont need to do whole synthesis again we just use already generated generic map file to map with 65nm technology

step 7 : Optimization → The  command syn_opt is used for optimization


step 8 : Generating Outputs → In this step we will generate outputs.Here we are gerenating outputs in the same directory if we want to generate outputs in different directory then we have to give the path where we want the file

For example
write_sdc > /home/test/output.sdc
In this example output.sdc will be genertaed in the test folder

write_hdl >
write_sdc > output.sdc

step 9 : Generating Reports → Generating reports are also similar to generating outputs here only thing will change is the commmands used to generate reports

report area > area.rpt
report timing > timing.rpt
report power > power.rpt

Example of Synthesis template

Here the commands used in the script are tool related commands, if we need to excute the entire commands by one click we need to write all commands in one file just shown in the below example and add extension like .tcl or .pl. Tool Command Language (tcl) ,Perl (pl) are nothing but scripting languages most widely using in VLSI industry. Python (.py) also used for some advanced applications.

If you have any doubts regarding the Synthesis feel free to comment below

    • Hi Priya,
      Usually, there will be no change in SDC file while before and after synthesis (Whatever given as input will be the same at output) But based on timing analysis we keep updating constraints like input output delays ,many exceptions & many more constraints gets added and these all come in updated SDC as output of synthesis

    • see, at the generic stage, RTL code is converted into the circuit level. you can find only a schematic (symbolic gates) of the logic written in RTL, but that schematic couldn’t have any physical or timing information. During technology mapping, symbolic gates are mapped to the targeted technology, then timing, area, and power info comes. I hope you understand this…

  1. 1. What are the optimazation techniques( for better timing, area, power) tool will perform exactly during syn_generic, syn_map, syn_opt and post dft stitching?
    2. Please confirm that, during elaboration tool will perform data structuring and data optimization on RTL code only?
    3. Please explain during physical synthesis, when we read floorplan def on post stitching netlist what operations synthesis tool will perform and please explain optimization techniques performed at this stage?

    • 1) For area: mainly tool goes for logic restructuring.
      For timing: pin swapping, Vt swapping, upsizing or downsizing, load splitting, cloning, buffering, and replacing single buffer with inverter pair.
      For power: Vt swapping, upsizing, or downsizing
      Note: remember one thing if you want to improve power then it may affect timing and area. If you are trying to improve the timing then it may affect the area and power and similarly, if you want to better area then it may affect timing and power.
      2) Yes, during elobrarte tool optimzes RTL code.
      3) Usually, floorplan DEF is given to the tool before the generic mapping.

      • Thank you for generous response
        1. The optimization techniques you’ve mentioned are happens during which stage like, syn_generic,syn_map, syn_opt or incremental opt?
        3. I’ve seen reading def on post_stiching netlist only.

        • 1) During generic, major optimization is logic restructuring, and from technology mapping, all opt techniques are common for all stages tool chooses techniques based on the issues.
          2) Actually we can give at any stage and if DEF is not given to the tool then the tool calculates the total cell area and it will create core area and places the cells. if you have tool access do experiment with it.

          • what is a single buffer and why is it slower than inverter pair ? I often think that an inverter pair as a buffer would have switching losses. So it there a power efficient buffer ?

          • Inverter pair: improve signal quality, reduce noise, and enhance the driving capability of the circuit.
            Buffer: when a signal must be sent over a greater distance or through more than one gate. They help prevent signal degradation due to parasitic and other factors which can weaken the signal as it travels along a trace or through a wire.

  2. Very Good Content. It is very helpful for me.

    Great Efforts,

    Can you please upload standard cell characterisation and DFT contents.

    Thank you so much for you patience and help.

  3. During physical aware synthesis, along with conversion of RTL code to netlist, the tool places standard cells in core area => refers to actual placement of standard cells which happens at PNR stage, or the tool just places standard cells at the origin of the core area?

    • At physical synthesis stage tool places the standard cells and perform timing analysis (TNS, WNS) also placement have to perform in PnR again. The placement happened in the Physical synthesis is not the actual placement.

  4. Hi
    I have one more doubt regarding physical synthesis performing using FC tool,as the link,target,symbol,synthetic(Designware componenet) are used in FC tool?As per my understanding we can have .lib,.lef and TLU+ only.Can you clear my doubt please.


  5. Hi,
    thanks for the information. very much helpful.
    in which stage tool inferred transparent latch, But instead of latch their should be a flop. how will know and which command we use?
    can you share this answer

  6. Hi
    How the MBIT ratio will vary during synthesis and how to increase the ratio.
    How the ICGs will come into the picture during the synthesis.
    May i know pls.

    • Yes, there are way. First we need to identify why the timing issues are causing like in my recent project I faced timing issues because of bad floor planning (From PD team). So, we have to check DEF file. Group pathing also another way to fix timing violations.
      Thank you

      • Target library
        Also known as the destination library, this library contains the cells that are used to synthesize the design. The pointer variable target_library is used to specify the target library.
        Link library
        This library contains the libraries that are used to reference macros and other cells that are not synthesized by the design compiler. The pointer variable link_library is used to specify the link library. The link library describes the function of mapped cells before optimization.
        In general, the target and link libraries are set to the same technology library.

        Both libraries can be used in designs…

    • Let’s say 1X inverter width is 1 unit length and 2X inverter width is 2 units of length. Here, why width is increasing means internally the count of transistors will increase compared to 1X vs 2X inverters. So, rising count of transistors need more area. So, width of the standard cell will increase. This will increase the capability of driving the more load (Fanout). I hope you understood.
      We will upload topic on sizing.
      Thank you

  7. We can see that if we increase effort levels to optimize timing , we can see increase in inverters and buffers(cell count). During logic synthesis we use zeroWLM. So how does the tool place these cells?

    • Hi siddartha, if we are using zeroWLM in logic synthesis, we only see cell delays. Based on the cell delays, tool calculates the timing of each path. If there is violation in the path, tool optimizes the path by inserting the inverters and buffers to control the fanout of each standard cell. And for zeroWLM, we take some margin of the clock and add it to the uncertainty. lets assume 25% of clock period allotted to the net delays. The tool have to use 75% of the clock for each timing path. Thats why we may see the timing violation on each path…

    • Hi sai, your question have 2 views. Like gtech cells there are 2 concepts.
      1) Generic cells –> Generic technology cells are standard building blocks designed for general-purpose use, like basic functionalities such as logic gates, flip-flops, and other commonly used elements. They are designed to meet certain specifications and performance criteria for a broad range of applications.
      2) Global cells –> global technology cells may incorporate advanced optimization strategies to achieve specific global design objectives, like these cells could be designed using advanced methodologies aimed at achieving global optimization goals such as minimizing power consumption, maximizing performance, or reducing chip area. They may involve techniques like floorplanning, placement, and routing optimization to ensure optimal overall chip design. Mainly it is for chip level optimization.

      WVGtech cells: Weighted Voronoi Graph technology, it employed to represent and optimize various aspects of the layout, such as wire lengths, timing, power consumption, and area. WVGTECH cells primarily focus on local optimization within specific regions of the chip layout, aiming to improve the placement and routing of individual cells or small groups of cells.

      Thank you

    • See, timing always depends on DRVs. There are 4 types of DRVs which are Capacitance, Transition, fanout and wire length. Here, we consider mainly Capacitance, Transition and fanout. In there 3 DRVs, fanout is soft constrain and Cap and tran are the hard constrain. Because, if fanout is more, capacitance will be more. If capacitance is more, transition will be more. This will impact the timing. But assume, capacitance and transition both are not violating this will not impact the timing even the fanout is violating. If cap, tran and fanout all are violating or any 1 DRV either cap nor tran along with fanout. Then we have to fix fanout.
      I hope you understand


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